Sherwood Dental Care - Baton Rouge

Dentures in Baton Rouge

Whether you need new dentures or require maintenance and repairs for your current set, dentures offer a reliable and natural-looking solution for replacing several or all of your teeth. Modern dental prostheses are designed to provide comfort and functionality with minimal discomfort.
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Who is a Candidate for Dentures?

Did you know that nearly 25% of adults over 65 are missing all of their teeth? Dentures are a common and effective solution for tooth loss. They are so natural-looking and dependable that you might not even realize when someone is wearing them.

    If you’re considering dentures, you may be a good candidate if you:

  • Need to replace several or all of your teeth
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products
  • Have a healthy jawbone (we can help you assess this)
  • Do not suffer from dry mouth
  • Are committed to proper denture care at home
  • Continue to visit your dentist regularly for exams, just like with natural teeth

How to Care for Your Dentures

Taking care of your dentures is crucial to maintaining your oral health. Even with perfect prosthetics, regular dental visits are necessary to check the fit of your dentures and examine the health of your gums, tongue, jaw, and mouth.

    To care for your dentures at home:

  • Remove your dentures overnight to allow your mouth to rest
  • Soak dentures in warm water with or without a denture cleanser
  • Avoid soaking dentures with metal clasps in anything but warm water
  • Keep dentures in water when not in use to prevent drying and warping
  • Never soak dentures in hot water
  • Clean and massage your gums with your dentures removed
  • If your toothbrush irritates your gums, soften the bristles under warm water or use a clean, damp cloth to massage your gums
  • Brush your natural teeth as usual if you have partial dentures

Cost of Dentures in Baton Rouge

The cost of dentures in Baton Rouge varies widely based on individual needs.

Here’s a general breakdown:

  • Full or partial dentures typically cost between $900 and $3,500+
  • Full-mouth dentures can range from $1,800 to $3,500 and up
  • Implant-supported dentures generally cost around $30,000 as a ballpark estimate

Factors influencing the cost of dentures include:

  • The type of dentures you need
  • Any necessary dental extractions or preparations
  • Required X-rays
  • Whether supportive implants are included

Each case is unique, so it’s essential to have a consultation and oral exam with Dr. Collins to receive a personalized quote and explore your treatment options.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, dental bridges and dental implants are alternatives to dentures. Dental bridges are ideal for replacing one to three missing teeth, while dental implants can replace any number of missing teeth and offer a more permanent solution. However, implants generally require a higher initial investment and specific health conditions to qualify.

With proper care and regular maintenance, dentures typically last between 5 to 10 years. Over time, normal wear and changes in your mouth may necessitate adjustments or even a new set of dentures to ensure a comfortable fit.

While you can sleep with your dentures in, it’s recommended to remove them at night. Taking your dentures out allows your gums and jaw to rest and gives you the opportunity to clean your mouth, gums, and any remaining natural teeth. Soaking your dentures overnight also helps keep them in good condition.

Properly fitting dentures should feel secure and comfortable. Upper dentures should create a suction seal with your gums, while lower dentures should stay in place without much movement. Partial dentures should align smoothly with your natural teeth, and implant-supported dentures should snap securely into place. If you’re unsure about the fit, schedule an appointment with us to check and adjust your dentures as needed.

Once you’re accustomed to your dentures, you should be able to enjoy most foods. However, it’s best to limit hard, sticky, or tough foods like caramel, raw vegetables, or tough meats, as they can cause discomfort or damage your dentures. Additionally, foods with small particles like popcorn or seeded crackers may irritate your gums, so it’s wise to consume them sparingly.

Patient Testimonials

William Shaw

Sherwood Dental truly cares for their patients. I am currently in the process of getting dentures. Steven has explained the entire procedure step by step. Yesterday Steven pulled 8 teeth and the procedure went smoothly. Steven thank you for your expert care in this scary process. Not everyday you get 8 teeth pulled from your mouth but with you doing the procedure I’m not worried at all. See you in a couple weeks.

Desiree Collins

For sure the friendliest dental office I’ve ever been to! I am normally very nervous when it comes to picking any sort of new provider, however from the very beginning Ms. Amy at the front desk was extremely kind and patient! Ms Lisa, the Nurse hygienist was so very sweet, informative and just all around knowledgeable. I had a few questions that I intended on asking at the appointment and before I could even ask Ms Lisa had answered them all lol. Which I’m very greatful for! Overall she made visiting the dentist a much more pleasant experi[...]

Freddy Urso

I have enjoyed excellent dental care for over 25 years at Sherwood Dental Care. Thank you Dr. Collins.

Sherwood Dental Care - Baton Rouge

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